The History Hit Open, an exciting 1v1 Age of Empires II: DE tournament contested between 64 top players, has finally arrived. With a prize pool of $5,000 completely sponsored by History Hit, the event places 60 players seeded based on their ranking and 4 wild card players into a fast-paced, single-elimination tournament.
Beginning with the Round of 64 from 27 September and culminating with the Grand Final on 17 October, the tournament will be streamed live on the official HistoryHitTV Twitch channel as well as by supporting casters and competing players. The official bracket can be viewed here, while the full schedule for the tournament and the tournament handbook are presented below.
Matches which will be streamed live can be seen on the calendar on the right-hand side of the announcement at AoEZone.
Original announcement:
We’re announcing the dates of our first Age of Empires II tournament and opening registration to competitive players.
The History Hit Open will include a $5,000 prize pool and is sponsored entirely by History Hit. There are 64 tournament places with 4 wild card slots. Please register using the form. The tournament will be 27 of September to 17 October. The full schedule is beneath the registration form along with the tournament handbook.
Update 27 September: Registration has now closed. The official History Hit Open bracket can be viewed here. Congratulations to the wild card players: jouds, SlyFox, TM webber- and Ivanenko.
Please share a screenshot of your server pings on the History Hit Open Discord-Server.
Tournament schedule
We are hoping to make more announcements around tournament streaming partners in the next couple of weeks.
Registration opening
- 8 September 10:00 UTC – Official announcement
- 8 September 10:00 UTC – Registration open
Registration ending and seeding
- 24 September 18:00 UTC – Registration closed
- 25 September 18:00 UTC – Official bracket announcement
Match play
- 27 September – 3 October – Round of 64
- 4 October – 10 October – Round of 32
- 11 October – 14 October – Round of 16
- 15 October – Quarterfinals
Finals weekend
- 16 October – Semifinals
- 17 October – 3rd Place match and GRAND Finale
Tournament handbook
The tournament handbook will be ready at 12:00pm UTC on 8 September 2021.
Dan Snow
Ever since that memorable week when I switched off my phone, stockpiled supplies and spent every waking hour playing Civilization II I have been obsessed with historical gaming. I saw instantly that these games entertain but they also educate. So many people confide to me that they were introduced to a love of history by Age of Empires, or Total War. Like historical novels, games fire the imagination, captivate and set people on the path to a fascination with what has gone before.“We have a lot of passionate historical strategy gamers on Team History Hit so it was the natural thing to launch our new gaming section. We’ll be letting our history mad audience know which are the best history games out there and how to play them. Most excitingly of all we will be hosting e-sports tournaments. What could be more historic? Tournaments date from the 12th Century, this is a modern incarnation literally in the spirit of its medieval ancestors.