About Museu Afro-Brasil
Museu Afro-Brasil is dedicated to the history of African people in Brazil’s colonial and modern history, and explores aspects of Afro-Brazilian culture.
History of Museu Afro-Brasil
Museu Afro-Brasil was established in 2004 by the current director of the museum, Emanoel Araújo, who was formerly director and curator of the art museum Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo.
The museum collects objects connected to the subjects of Africa, labour, slavery, religion, history, memory and art. Its collection of artwork includes important works by Afro-Brazilian artists. Its collection of Afro-descendant art is the largest in the Americas.
Its approximately six thousand objects include paintings, sculpture, documents, photographs and objects. These date between the 15th century and the present day. The Afro-Brazilian Museum operates with a similar mission and is located in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Museu Afro-Brasil today
The museum is located in the major Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo and is housed in the Manoel da Nóbrega Pavilion, which was designed in 1959. The museum also contains a theatre, library and hosts temporary exhibitions.
Getting to Museu Afro-Brasil
Museu Afro-Brasil is located in central São Paulo near the Oca exhibition space and São Paulo Museum of Modern Art. It’s a 30 minute walk from the AACD-Servidor metro station, although there are much closer bus stops.
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