About Anzac Cove
Anzac Cove in Turkey’s Gallipoli Peninsula is known as the site where Australian and New Zealander troops landed on 25 April 1915
The Anzac Cove landings were part of the Gallipoli Campaign, an effort by the Commonwealth and by the French to remove Turkey from World War One. The troops were meant to land elsewhere but were erroneously dropped at Anzac Cove, which was a steep and difficult terrain.
Today, there are several memorials at Anzac Cove and it is the site where the dawn Anzac Day ceremonies are held.
Anzac Cove history
The 600 metre-long cove, surrounded by headlands (one of which known as Hell Spit), became famous when ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) troops landed there in April 1915. The troops’ first priority was to set up a protected area of beach where supplies and troops could land.
The cove was also within 1 kilometre of the front-line and the range of Turkish artillery at ‘Beachy Bill’ or the Gaba Tepe battery, meaning the ANZACs were continually bombarded by enemy fire. Although this did not stop 2 field hospitals and an enormous supply store being established at Anzac. Nor did it prevent soldiers from indulging in their one luxury while without chances to wash: swimming in the water.
Anzac Cove continued to be the main base of Australian and New Zealand forces throughout the 8 month campaign until Allied forces were evacuated from Gallipoli in January 1916, having failed to take Turkey out of the conflict. In 1985, the name ‘Anzac Cove’ was officially recognised by the Turkish Government and at North Beach, a commemorative site was built.
Anzac Cove today
Over a century since troops landed at Anzac Cove, the now quiet rugged coastline is a reflective spot for visitors interested in the history of World War One. The trenches still exist at the cove’s neck.
Just around the corner from where the ANZAC troops landed there is a memorial cemetery. It is worth hiring a local tour guide to give you a fuller view of the landings and activity at Anzac within the wider context of the Gallipoli campaign.
Getting to Anzac Cove
The easiest way to reach Anzac Cove is driving from Canakkale via the D550 and E87, which takes 48 minutes.