Blaundus - History and Facts | History Hit


Sulumenli, Aegean Region, Turkey

Blaundus was an Ancient Roman city the remains of which are found in Anatolia, Turkey.

Peta Stamper

12 Apr 2021
Image Credit: User Cmylmz2002 on Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)

About Blaundus

Blaundus, also known as Blaundos, was founded during the Hellenistic period and grew to become an important Roman city in Asia Minor, presently Anatolia, Turkey. Its symbol was a “double horse”.

Despite several civilisations leaving their mark in Blaundus, little remains. Visitors can see the ruins of an entrance gate, a temple, a theatre, rock tombs and walls, surrounded by grass and blue sky.

Blaundus history

As Alexander the Great swept across Asia Minor with his army in 334 BC, he not only conquered the Persian territory, but brought about a cultural revolution. New cities were established across the region filled with Greek immigrants who helped to unify the Greek culture. Blaundus was one such city: founded in the wake of Alexander’s movement across Asia Minor and was originally populated by people from his home-place, Macedonia.

Blaundus was founded on the top of a narrow, cliff-ringed area jutting out into the Ulubey canyons in Turkey. The city bordered both the ancient regions of Phrygia and Lydia. The city resembled many other ancient settlements, containing temples, theatres, a stadium, and other colonnaded public buildings, constructed within a grid system and encircled by a city wall.

In the later Roman and Byzantine eras, the city became the seat of a Christian bishopric. However, Blaundus was not a city of lasting importance, and there are not records of life there beyond the 12th century AD.

Blaundus today

Little remains of Blaundus today. Visitors should be able to make out the scant shape of the stadium and the overgrown remains of the theatre, now a depression in the ground. The city wall is still visible, an impressive fortification that has withstood the battle of time.

Excavations still continue and help you to identify old pillars and platforms. For those who do not suffer vertigo, looking out over the cliff faces below you can see many openings of cave-tombs carved into the rock.

Getting to Blaundus

Blaundus is fairly remote, but there is bus service to the town of Ulubey from the nearby city of Uşak, though from there you will need to take a taxi the 15 km to the ruins. Remember to arrange for the taxi to wait for you to drive you back to Ulubey.

By car drive south from Uşak down the Uşak – Ulubey road which is 31 kms. At the entrance to Ulubeya brown sign directs you right onto the Eşme Ulubey road. Follow this for about 9 kms before turning left following the signs marked for Blaundus, 4 km down a gravel road to the parking site.